Ben Bolin, Applications Engineer

Meet Ben Bolin, who started as a process engineering intern with John Zink in 2020 and joined full time in 2021 after earning his bachelor’s in mechanical engineering. Drawn by Koch and John Zink’s culture and growth opportunities, Ben is a new equipment applications engineer for the vapor control equipment product line. He handles design work, technical customer interactions, and project support. Ben enjoys seeing projects grow from ideas to operational systems and values the business’ encouragement of creative problem-solving and professional development.



When did you join John Zink?

I started as a process engineering intern in the summer of 2020, starting full time right after graduation with my bachelor’s in mechanical engineering in 2021. I was looking for a company located in Tulsa that had a good culture and had opportunities for growth.



Describe your role and what your typical day entails.

I am a new equipment applications engineer for our vapor control equipment product line. I perform preliminary process, controls, and mechanical designs. I have technical conversations with customers, estimate equipment, and support internal project execution. Seeing a project go from an idea and some sketches to a physical operational system is a great feeling.



How has John Zink supported your professional development and career growth?

John Zink has always supported my growth. If there is an opportunity for growth and improvement, I have been encouraged to grow into a more knowledgeable and capable engineer. There is a strong cultural of creative destruction and trying things that are outside the box.



“I greatly enjoy the complex problems we see and helping find creative out-of-the-box solutions.”

Ben Bolin, Applications Engineer



Can you talk about a project or initiative that challenged you and contributed to your professional growth?

I have had the opportunity to work on several projects that fall outside of the “typical” vapor equipment, ranging from different markets to new ways of operating our systems in the customer’s facility. Projects that stretch your capabilities require growth, and lead to better understanding of the theory and practical aspects of our projects.



John Zink is known for its innovation. Can you share how you contribute to this innovative environment in your role?

I greatly enjoy the complex problems we see and helping find creative out-of-the-box solutions.



Can you describe an impactful project you’ve worked on that highlights John Zink’s commitment to advancing technology and environmental stewardship? What was your role in it?

Recently, the EPA released revised rules for our industry. I was part of the team that was devoted to thorough review of the new regulations and communicating to our customers the impacts to their facilities and determining changes to our technology to stay at the forefront of, and go beyond, the environmental requirements.


Based on your experience, what qualities do you think are essential for someone to thrive at John Zink?

Initiative, resourcefulness, and willingness to learn.



Just for fun – If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Mediterranean, Rome, Greece. There is so much history there.



Thrive in a career tailored to you.